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Clicker training

I am interested in trying clicker training, or I have tried it and encountered some problems. What would you recommend I do next?


Clicker training isn’t a method on its own; it is just using positive reinforcement with improved timing and applying the science of behaviour. So whether you are starting with CT or have run into problems using CT, science is the place to start.


Using positive reinforcement with equines can enhance your communication and improve the mental well-being of your horse, but it is not without its challenges. Mastering the principles of the science of behaviour is the key to success with clicker training.

book cover The art and science of clicker training for horses
logo of harts horsemanship brown horse head with swirely main
Hand holding a red clicker word thats right clickers don't train horses to do anything, it the hands that hold them that do t

Why equine-specific clicker training?

The traditional approach of one click, one reward used with dogs can lead to issues with frustration, food aggression, and over-arousal, but these problems can be avoided. I have been using clicker training for 23 years, and this experience led me to realise we needed to make clicker training more equine-specific to accommodate the different species' behaviours in equines and avoid those behaviour issues that can develop with food use.


In 2008 I published a book The Art and Science of Clicker Training for Horses to explore the use of clicker training. I believe there are limitations to CT and situations where I think it should be used with caution; however, if you can use more equine-specific clicker training, it can be a brilliant tool in your toolbox.  From the book's contents, I created a course that contains everything you need to get started with CT, understand my equine-specific approach, build calmness and clarity, and use it to overcome behaviour issues.

Amazon Jones1234

This is the most honest book about clicker training equines I have read. The author goes over the advantages of clicker training and how to use it as a training tool. However he does note some downfalls and is the only author I have read that advocates fading the clicker as soon as you can. Overall a great book if you are wanting to learn how to clicker train equines.


Minna Sellers I just finished this course online and have to share that it has really changed my thinking, I really wanted to continue and try to develop my own way with it, and took Ben’s online course to see another approach. I’m so glad I did because it lead me to a completely different place. The advice about how careful one should be in adding the clicker into a training program is brilliant, as well as specifics when using the clicker bridge for shaping behaviors. Understanding the needs of the individual equine and what is most appropriate for the person training come across clearly in the course. 


Next steps

You can use this website to find the answers to your next steps with me, whether that be to resolve a behaviour issue, learn about behaviour in general or read more or find the shaping plan you need. There are free podcast links on working with behaviour and building relationships on the free resources page to see if I am the trainer for you.

Free Video

How to train horse behaviour with positive reinforcement

Clicker Training Book

The art and science of clicker training for Horses ( donkey and mules too)

Online Course

The Art and Science of Clicker Training for Creating Clarity, Calmness and Confidence -

If you want to use positive reinforcement then this course is designed to help you improve communication, create clarity, greater connection and calmness. As you gain clarity and confidence in how clicker training could work for you this course helps you to help your horses, donkeys or mules by becoming a better trainer.

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 ebooks and shaping plans

Interesting, but not quite what I wanted, back to home page to try again


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